5 min read

Alive Seeds Health Benefits

Garden cress seeds, aliv seeds or also called halim seeds are tiny red coloured seeds that are loaded with several nutrients such as iron, folate, vitamin C, E, A, fiber and protein. You can include these vitamins and minerals rich seeds in your diet in various daily recipes.

Aids Weight Loss

halim seeds are rich sources of fiber and protein, thus they can help in keeping you full for longer hours. They help in avoiding cravings or overeating, which can be a major for anyone on a weight loss regime. The good protein content of these seeds helps you in maintaining the body’s muscle mass and helping healthy weight loss journey.

Helps Menstruation

Phytoestrogen contained in aliv seeds plays the role of estrogen hormone, and has the ability to make your menstrual cycle regular. These seeds help in improving blood flow in the pelvic area and around the uterus, thereby regulating menstruation. Therefore, if you are suffering from an irregular menstrual cycle, you should try this herbal home remedy to regularize it.

Boosts Immunity

Aliv seeds are full of flavonoids (antioxidants), folic acid and vitamins A, C and E, so it acts as a super food for boosting the body’s immunity. And, it can help in protecting your body from many infections and diseases. It contains beneficial antimicrobial properties that contribute towards preventing infections such as fever, cold, and sore throat.

Treats Constipation

Halim seeds are digestion friendly and the high fiber content makes them perfect for good bowel movement. They help in relieving constipation and other related problems such as gas and bloating. There are many other added health benefits of these red tiny seeds. Therefore, including it in your diet can help in enriching your body’s nourishment. It is highly nutritious and beneficial for the stomach.

Good for those suffering from cardiac problems

Hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia, and associated cardiovascular diseases (CVD) represent one of the greatest health problems prevalent throughout the world. Daily intake of Aliv seed is beneficial for cardiac patients

Helps To Lower Diabetic

Due to aliv seeds hypoglycemic effect, it can reduce the blood glucose level.

  • reduce the blood glucose level.
  • reduces the blood cholesterol level.
  • improve the blood lipid metabolism.
  • Improves the activity of antioxidant enzymes.
  • prevent the complications of diabetes mellitus.
  • increase the kidney function and reduce the creatinine level

To heal bone fractures.

The seed powder is mixed with little water to make a paste, which is then applied to the affected areas. It also consumed with water or warm milk to heal the fractures internally.once Aliv is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus, it accelerates bone healing and thus can be used as an alternative to synthetic calcium and phosphorus supplements

Antimicrobial Activity

Aliv seeds have antimicrobial properties against many bacteria and fungi. So, the daily intake of small amounts of tiny seeds has an enormous impact to make us healthy[

Reduce asthma symptoms

aliv has a broncho-dilator property. These seeds help to expand the bronchial and help to relieve from common cough and cold to asthma. Daily intake of 1g of Halim seeds, 3 times a day, reduces the severity of asthma within 4 weeks

Hyperthyroidism patients

Hyperthyroidism is a common hormonal disorder for Indian women. [47]. It is more common among females than males [48]. Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disorder caused by excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, is triiodothyronine (T3) and tetra-iodothyronine (T4). The pituitary hormone, Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) controls the secretion of T3 andT4.

Good For skin Hair and memory

The application of soaked Halim seed paste on the face and body helps you to achieve clear skin and prevent skin diseases.These seeds are an excellent source of protein and iron thus can be used for treating people suffering from hair loss.. It is used to strengthen hair.These seeds contain arachidonic acid and linolenic acid which helps to improve our memory. The body cannot synthesize these fatty acids but they are essential for the body. So, they are must be supplied through the diet

Cures Anemia

Mild to moderate anemia is a common condition in many women that can be effectively managed by having Aliv seeds regularly. Halim seeds are a good source of iron. Since it is a vegetarian food, non-heme iron is also present in it. Eating one Aliv ladoo daily is beneficial in improving the hemoglobin levels of women and preventing and curing anemia. If you eat citrus fruit sprinkled with halim seeds, it will be even more beneficial for you.

Good For Pregnancy And Lactation

Pregnant women should consume halim seeds in moderation and only after taking the doctor's advice, but it is beneficial for them. And, these seeds are good sources of protein and iron. They also have potential galactogogue properties, thus are considered very beneficial for lactating mothers. Breastfeeding mothers should try and consume these laddoos everyday for nutritious breast milk.

Reduces breast cancer risk

Aliv seeds contain anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. These seeds are rich sources of antioxidants and phytosterols, they are helpful to prevent free radical damage to cells. It plays the role of a natural chemoprotective agent, preventing cancerous growths. Aliv seeds contain a compound called Glucosinolates which is good for preventing the development and proliferation of cancers.

Aliv Laddu Recipe


  1. Aliv Seeds- 1 Cup
  2. Coconut Water- 1 Cup
  3. Grated coconut- Half Cup
  4. Grated Jaggery- Half Cup

Soak Aliv seeds in Coconut water for 3 to 4 hours. Then Switch on the stove and when Kadai is hot, fry coconut and jaggery first. After a few minutes stir, add soaked aliv seeds and Stir well. Switch Off the flame once it reaches consistency. Make balls once it cools.