5 min read

How to Make a Healthy Me Time a Priority

Schedule it:

Make me time a priority by scheduling it into your calendar. Treat it like any other appointment and don't cancel it

Start small:

If you're new to me time, start small. Take 5-10 minutes each day to do something you enjoy, such as reading a book or taking a walk

Set boundaries:

Set boundaries with others to protect your me time. Let them know that this time is important to you and that you need it to recharge

Find what works for you:

Me time looks different for everyone. Find what works for you and make it a priority

Be consistent:

Consistency is key when it comes to me time. Make it a habit and stick to it

In conclusion, me time is essential for our health and well-being. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve productivity, enhance relationships, boost self-esteem, and promote self-care. By scheduling me time, starting small, setting boundaries, finding what works for you, and being consistent, you can make me time a priority and reap the benefits of taking care of yourself.

Some examples of me time activities


Reading is a great way to escape into another world and relax

Going for a walk:

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help reduce stress and improve mood

Taking a bath:

Taking a bath can help reduce stress and promote relaxation


Journaling is a great way to reflect on your thoughts and feelings and can help reduce stress and anxiety

Indulging in self-care:

Self-care activities such as getting a massage, taking a yoga class, or getting a manicure can help promote relaxation and reduce stress

Having child-like fun:

Engaging in activities that remind us of our childhood, such as coloring or playing a board game, can help reduce stress and promote relaxation

Doing physical activities:

Physical activities such as running, swimming, or dancing can help reduce stress and improve mood Unplugging: Unplugging from technology and social media can help reduce stress and promote relaxation

Getting creative:

Engaging in creative activities such as painting, drawing, or writing can help reduce stress and promote relaxation

Connecting with loved ones:

Spending time with loved ones, such as having a coffee date with a friend or going on a date with your partner, can help reduce stress and improve mood

In conclusion, me time activities can vary from person to person, but the goal is to engage in activities that help us relax and recharge. Reading, going for a walk, taking a bath, journaling, indulging in self-care, having child-like fun, doing physical activities, unplugging, getting creative, and connecting with loved ones are all examples of me time activities that can help promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Why is Me Time Important for Our Health?

Reduces stress and anxiety:

Taking time for ourselves can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can improve our mental and physical health

Improves productivity:

Me time can help us recharge and refocus, which can improve our productivity and creativity

Enhances relationships:

When we take care of ourselves, we are better able to take care of others, which can improve our relationships with family, friends, and coworkers

Boosts self-esteem:

Me time can help us feel more confident and self-assured, which can improve our self-esteem

Promotes self-care:

Me time is an essential part of self-care, which is necessary for our health and well-being Me time can benefit relationships with others in several ways. Here are some examples:

Improved mood:

Taking time for ourselves can help improve our mood, making us more pleasant to be around

Reduced stress:

Me time can help reduce stress, which can improve our relationships with others

Increased self-awareness:

Me time can help us become more self-aware, which can improve our ## relationships with others by helping us understand our own needs and emotions

Enhanced communication:

Me time can help us communicate more effectively with others by giving us the time and space to reflect on our thoughts and feelings

Increased empathy:

Me time can help us become more empathetic towards others by giving us the time and space to reflect on their needs and emotions

Improved self-esteem:

Me time can help improve our self-esteem, making us more confident and self-assured in our relationships with others

Better work-life balance:

Me time can help us achieve a better work-life balance, which can improve our relationships with others by reducing stress and improving our mood.

In conclusion, me time can benefit relationships with others in several ways. Improved mood, reduced stress, increased self-awareness, enhanced communication, increased empathy, improved self-esteem, and better work-life balance are all ways in which me time can improve our relationships with others. By taking time for ourselves, we can become better partners, friends, and coworkers, and improve our overall quality of life.