3 min read

Parenting: Avoid These Mistakes.

20 things you should never do to your kids

  1. Physically or emotionally abuse them
  2. Neglect their basic needs for food, shelter, clothing, and medical care
  3. Compare them to other children or siblings in a negative way
  4. Use them as a means to fulfill your own emotional or material needs
  5. Use them as a mediator for adult problems or conflicts
  6. Fail to set clear boundaries and rules
  7. Place unreasonable expectations on them
  8. Ridicule or belittle them for their mistakes or shortcomings
  9. Fail to acknowledge or validate their emotions
  10. Fail to provide them with love and support
  11. Force them to conform to rigid gender or cultural stereotypes
  12. Force them to conform to rigid gender or cultural stereotypes
  13. Allow them to engage in harmful or illegal behaviors
  14. Shame or guilt them into compliance
  15. Use them as a pawn in a divorce or custody battle
  16. Undermine their autonomy or self-esteem
  17. Ignore or minimize signs of mental illness or emotional distress
  18. Expose them to violent or inappropriate media or materials
  19. Pressure them to excel in areas they are not interested in
  20. Hold them to unrealistic academic or athletic expectations
  21. Refuse to admit and take responsibility for your mistakes as a parent.

20 things you should never do for your kids

  1. Solve all their problems for them
  2. Make all their decisions for them
  3. Protect them from all disappointment or failure
  4. Overindulge them with material possessions
  5. Bribe or reward them excessively
  6. Cater to their every demand or whim
  7. Shield them from the natural consequences of their actions
  8. Treat them as an extension of your own identity or ego
  9. Live vicariously through them
  10. Micromanage their every move or decision
  11. Hover over them excessively
  12. Speak for them when they are capable of speaking for themselves
  13. Overprotect them from normal life experiences and challenges
  14. Pressure them to pursue a career or life path that you want for them
  15. Encourage them to be dishonest or manipulative to get what they want
  16. Show favoritism or preference for one child over another
  17. Use them as a tool to impress others
  18. Fail to provide them with opportunities for growth and development
  19. Fail to encourage their independence and autonomy
  20. Ignore their individual needs and personality, treating them as a one-size-fits-all entity.